The Journey

Ariel’s trip to Traverse and back

Just a couple more days August 7, 2009

Where is he leading next?

Where is he leading next?

Its hard to believe that project is almost through. It seems as if it were just yesterday that we all got here. I’ve grown to love these brothers and sisters so much, that I can hardly imagine what daily life will look like without them. And yet, I’m thrilled to the bone to get back to Ball State, and see what the Lord has planned for this school year.

Let me give you a quick update on what has happened in the several weeks since my last post, and about the things that I may have forgotten to share.

1. I’m allergic to Gluten. I know, right? This is really a long story, but it’s involved a huge life change for me. I think it’s a life change for the better, because it’s resulted in me eating a lot more healthfully, and I’ve been feeling better as a result of not consistently having an allergic reaction.

2. I have a new surprise roommate. Again, this is a long story. And I was initially very upset about the change. But it’s been amazing to watch the Lord’s hand in this situation, and I’m actually really excited to head back to school and get to know this new gal that God has placed in my life.

3. God’s been teaching me a lot lately. Especially about the plan he has for my life in regards to the future. I think this all started when I found out about the roommate situation, but it’s rapidly progressed into other areas of my life.  I’ve been reading Job 36-39 lately. And in it, I am reminded of God’s awesome power.  So often I fail to trust his power. Which is silly. I serve the God that created the Universe, in it’s entirety. How can I not trust that he can take care of me?

4. I want to spend more time in rocking chairs. Honestly, today was one of the most relaxing days of my life. I wish I could repeat it. Primarrily the part that involved sitting on a rocking chair all afternoon, and just talking to dear friends.

5. I rode a bike with 4 handle bars. Dangerously on Mackinac, and I almost killed a seagull.  hahaha.

6. I’m looking forward to the mystery of what God is bringing up next in life. I wonder what it is, but I do not fear it any longer. My God does not give me a heart of fear.

I’m sad to leave, but really, it’s bittersweet. I know I’ll be spending eternity with these awesome people. Right now, I’m fired up to serve the Lord, no matter where he plans on placing me!

Soli Deo gloria (to God alone be the Glory!)