The Journey

Ariel’s trip to Traverse and back

“Are you on Farm Town? Aren’t you supposed to be blogging?” April 23, 2009

My O My, don't you want that ring?

My O My, don't you want that ring?

Hello All!

If you’re wondering why the title of this blog is so unusual. Its a quote my roommate, Alex said to me today, as I played a game. She lovingly pointed out to me that I haven’t updated this blog in several days. So dear readers, here’s what’s up in my life.

I’ve been swimming a lot lately, with the lovely Bstud gals. We discovered the magic that is Flippers this week. Just put em on your feet, and you’ll be going faster than a dolphin in no time.

On Monday, I received a check from the lovely Mrs. Dickman, wife of the beloved Mr. Dickman, mother of the lovely Victoria Dickman, and friend to all. Thank you so much for your support! Also, I loved your stamp choice, it was much more interesting than the boring liberty stamps.

Today, I received a check from the wondrous Miss. Kiesel, as well as one from Alex’s grandma Evy. Thank you also for all of your support. Miss, Kiesel, your letter was particularly encouraging at this time in my support raising.

This brings my support to $825! Hooray! Im almost a third of the way to my goal of $3000!

In Other news, I lost my audio for my photo project, the good news is that I found it today. The bad news is that it is in an unreadable file format, and I can’t figure out how to fix it. Your prayers on this would be greatly appreciated. I know God has it under control.

Yesterday I threw biscotti at Bailey T; for this I am truly sorry my Bailey dear. Tonight was our usual Wednesday night mayhem, although all we did was go swimming for an hour and a half instead of the usual hour. Crazy!

Also importantly, our room has never been cleaner before, ever. Alex packed up half of her stuff and the marvelous Grandma Evy took it home with her. A good deal of my own stuff is already packed away in boxes as well, and our floor looks nicer than I ever thought it could.

Sadly my ring that I have worn for the past year or so has grown too large. Every time I hop in the pool I fear it will fall off, and I almost rinsed it down the drain the other day. It keeps sliding off my finger. This saddens me greatly because this ring has special meaning to me. My ring is of an Ichthus, which many of you may know as a Jesus Fish. Learn More about it at the link at the bottom. It actually has a really cool history. Many a time I have gotten asked about it, and it’s provided me with some great opportunities to share my faith. It’s always been worn on my left hand ring finger, which always concerned my Grandma Rose a bit, I think she feared men might confuse it for a wedding band. hahaha. Anyways the ring that has been so sentimental to me no longer fits my hand. It’s currently tied onto a ribbon around my neck so that I won’t loose it, but if anyone is interested in having it, I may be willing to relinquish it to a good home. It’s a rather large ring because I have fairly large hands, so it would probably fit a man’s hands better than a woman’s which is why I’m having trouble finding it a home. If you know of someone who might like to have it, let me know.

In happier news, this Friday is my first ever servant team meeting with Campus Crusade for Christ. I’m super excited to get to lead a Lafollette Bible study next year, and walk alongside some new sisters in Christ next year.

I think that’s just about all I have to say. I leave you with a verse from Matthew 10:28-31 (ESV), given to me by the lovely Lydia.
“And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.” Jesus Loves you all.

Also, In case you’ve been living under a rock for a couple of weeks, watch this:

In Christ,


One Response to ““Are you on Farm Town? Aren’t you supposed to be blogging?””

  1. Victoria Says:

    Which stamp did Mom use? Our postmaster actively endorses the use of fun stamps.

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