The Journey

Ariel’s trip to Traverse and back

Hmmmmm April 5, 2009

Filed under: Beginning — Ariel @ 05:57
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Today was, hmmmm….. Interesting?( to say the least.) I didn’t wake up until around 12. I worked on a little bit of homework and wrote a letter to Yekrem, and went downstairs to the gym. At some point I considered doing my taxes, but I never managed to actually do so. I’ll have to get on that tomorrow afternoon, along with finishing the English paper that is due Monday. I know this isn’t exactly my usual philosophical post. I’m tired and in an unusual mood.
I’ve been thinking about things. And I miss certain people terribly. Some days I wish I could know what God wants me to do. I wish I could see his plan. Then I remember that his plan is too big for me to understand, to marvelous for me to comprehend. But for some reason, that doesn’t stop me from wondering about how he will use me and where he will take me. And sometimes… sometimes that not knowing makes my heart hurt a bit. I’m sorry if this is incredibly vague, there are a other details to this story, but I really don’t need to go into that here. I need to be more patient, lets leave it at that.

A young man in my dorm building died today. Please keep his family in your prayers.

That seems to be all of the energy I have for a post today.
Im sorry it’s not that interesting. I’ll work on something sparkly for the next one.
I leave you with my favorite verse, Jeremiah 29:11, which consequently is on my calendar this month. I guess God knew I would need it.
“For I know the plans I have for you, plans to help you and prosper you, plans to give you a future and a hope” Jeremiah 29:11
In Christ,


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